close up of small coral in tank under blue light

Story archives

Our media release archive is an information resource on the people and research that make AIMS one of the world's leading marine institutions.

List of News and Media Articles

Title Publish date
Rare marine creature discovered in Australian waters
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Leaders meet at AIMS to discuss solutions for world’s coral reefs
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Sea country mapping kicks off two-way knowledge sharing in the Keppels
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When reefs decline, parrotfish thrive
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Coral spawning helps scientists uncover keys to Great Barrier Reef’s resilience
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First coral spawning – an opportunity for reefs to rejuvenate
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Reef-building corals' unexpected resilience to warming oceans
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Ocean detectives in search for whale shark’s genetic fingerprint
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Mapping the Makarda – bringing together science and traditional knowledge
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Great Barrier Reef gets mixed bill of health in annual update
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Next generation corals undergo first field tests on the Great Barrier Reef
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New report shows record low coral cover at many WA reefs
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Tiger sharks revealed as lazy predators
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New threat revealed for baby turtles: jetties shelter hatchling-hungry predators
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Baselines from the blue – research from the Chagos Archipelago
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In-vitro baby corals may cope with temperature rise thanks to science
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Early data shows mixed bill of health for the far northern Great Barrier Reef
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World’s brightest in marine science meet in Perth to mark major milestone
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Australia’s Marine Industry supporting the nation’s economy
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Science and traditional knowledge going hand-in-hand
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AIMS’ biggest research vessel called in to give health check on remote Great Barrier Reef
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Celebrating the science of the north west: the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Woodside Energy, and the WA Museum
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Marine safety technology tracks spawning coral slicks
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International marine scientists join forces to advance coral restoration
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Multibeam technology helping Australian scientists understand the seafloor
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Reproduction research a new hope for tough breed of coral
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World first seismic sound experiment conducted off NW Australia
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Reef fish show signs of marine debris in their gut
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Best of coral bleaching research bound in perpetuity
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Scientists make breakthrough in war against crown-of-thorns starfish
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Seafaring robots break new ground during trial on the Great Barrier Reef
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AIMS researchers step aboard international ocean observatory
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Reef’s massive size may be an asset in helping it withstand climate change
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AIMS welcomes first Indigenous engagement co-ordinator
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Toward a marine science plan for the Northern Territory
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From reefs to ice: A life changing journey to Antarctica
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Scientists combine forces to find solutions to biofouling
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Next generation Reef monitoring
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AIMS sails into first Australia-NZ research ship collaboration
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Reef fish lose sound hook
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Good variety of genes buys time for coral reefs
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Genetic diversity is key to coral survival
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Tiny plastics are potentially dangerous for turtles too
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Flags raise new chapter of commitment to traditional owners
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Fish may hold secret to crown-of-thorns starfish control
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Protected marine areas allow reef shark numbers to recover
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Marine animals explore the ocean in similar ways
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Splitting the science over coral spawning
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Saving the Great Barrier Reef through new science partnerships
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Taking stock of a thorny issue: 30 years of crown-of-thorns starfish research on the Great Barrier Reef
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Start of summer will see all eyes on the Great Barrier Reef
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Coral makes rare charter flight
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Coral spawning to begin this week on the Great Barrier Reef
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Understanding the feeding role of tiger sharks
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The Great Barrier Reef can repair itself, with a little help from science
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Autonomous technology helps scientists put eyes on Great Barrier Reef
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Early signs that bleached coral reefs could recover
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New technologies can help preserve coral reefs
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Giant sea snails join the fight to save the Reef
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Study uncovers value of shark dive tourism
Townsville students submerged in marine science
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Can corals survive climate change?
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New research delivers hope for reef fish living in a high CO2 world
Public tours restart at the Australian Institute of Marine Science after refurbishment
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AIMS hosts Chinese research delegation
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AIMS National Sea Simulator in fish saving research
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New centre enables largest marine research capability in the Indian Ocean rim
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AIMS Council appointment
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New CEO for Australia’s marine science agency
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Long-term monitoring update to condition of the Great Barrier Reef
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Solar powered Great Barrier Reef research at AIMS
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Cracking the crown-of-thorns starfish communication code may signal their demise
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Exceptional fish diversity found on Australia’s north-west oceanic shoals
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Australia’s burgeoning ‘blue economy’
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Extent and severity of 2016 coral bleaching on Australia’s coral reefs revealed
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Second wave of mass bleaching unfolding on Great Barrier Reef
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AIMS’ top female scientist travels to the ‘end of the world’ to elevate the role of women in science
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Sneezing corals: Mucous sheets and sediment exposure
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Towards progressive coral reef conservation and restoration
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More intense cyclones pose threat to the world’s coral reefs
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Top honour bestowed on former AIMS researcher
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AIMS, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences sign joint research agreement
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Taking stock of the 2016 mass coral bleaching event
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SeaSim readies itself for the 2016 mass spawning event
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Teenage male whale sharks don’t want to leave home
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Effects of coal on early life history processes of coral
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What’s on the menu for NW Australia’s flatback sea turtles?
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Sponges potential ‘winners’ in the face of climate change
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Boeing Australia, AIMS partner on innovative marine technologies to monitor health of the Great Barrier Reef
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Why ocean acidification matters to zooplankton, a coral’s primary food source
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AIMS celebrates achievements of successful Earthwatch partnership
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Proving elusive: a safe space for reef sharks
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Crown-of-thorns starfish vision revealed for the first time
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Playing on fears: Exploring the use of the Pacific triton for mitigating crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks
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Renewed partnership secures exciting future for marine science
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Scientists document the extinction of WA’s Great Southern Reef kelp forests
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Limiting global warming to save coral reefs
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AIMS at ICRS17 June 2016
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Major study reveals marine sponges are a reservoir of exceptional microbial diversity
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Genetic secrets of algae provide vital insight into coral bleaching
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Nature’s history books all tell the same story
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Townsville sector reefs continue to improve since Cyclone Yasi – latest monitoring report now available
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The facts on Great Barrier Reef coral mortality
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Virtual Reality meets marine science in 360⁰
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Better science, better management: Advances in coral genetic research to optimise reef management
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ATSIMS students dive into marine science
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AIMS northwest Australian coral bleaching update
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Blinded by the light – tracking baby sea turtles
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Coal shipping threat to Great Barrier Reef
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Coral stress test found in the genes
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AIMS GBR bleaching monitoring update
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Scientists provide a clear view of the Great Barrier Reef’s murky waters
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26 April: Promiscuity may help corals survive bleaching events
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Western Australian reefs feel the heat from global bleaching event
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15 April: AIMS and Chinese counterpart to establish Sino-Australian Centre for Healthy Coasts
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05 April: Condition of Great Barrier Reef corals before the mass bleaching event in 2016
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National Coral Taskforce unleashes an armada of experts
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Ten years of satellite data shows land management key to protecting the Reef
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Great Barrier Reef no-take marine reserves protect much more than just the fish
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Great Barrier Reef pollution controls ‘not sufficient’ according to leading scientists
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AIMS takes coral bleaching to task
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27 March: Shining a light on baby turtle travels
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Where have the largest whale sharks gone?
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Where have the largest whale sharks gone?
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14 March: A horizon scan of marine animal movement ecology reveals most pressing research questions
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National Coral Bleaching Taskforce puts plan into effect as bleaching intensifies
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National Coral Bleaching Taskforce keeping a close watch on the Reef
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19 February: Improving water security for Great Palm Island
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Evolving coral reef conservation
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Motorboat noise gives predators a deadly advantage
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03 February: Most vulnerable tropical reef fish identified in new study
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21 December: The GBR at your fingertips
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17 December: Seen one reef, seen them all? Australian reefs reveal shared secrets
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08 December: Latest field survey results show strong coral recovery in the southern reefs of the GBR
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08 December: Latest field survey results show strong coral recovery in the southern reefs of the GBR
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04 December: For the love of AIMS – Celebrating 20 years of volunteer service
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SCUBA divers are helping researchers to monitor sharks
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30 November: Timing is everything - SeaSim readies itself for the GBR's 2015 coral spawning event
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26 November: Chasing “Amy” - A mission to uncover the possibilities of automated data collection
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24 November: Genetics reveal extent of killer seastar population explosions
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04 November: Prestigious “Bommies Award” recognises up-and-coming AIMS marine microbiologist
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23 October: West Australian corals shed light on cause of marine heat waves
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Early warning signs of widespread coral bleaching in 2016
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25 September: Coral recovery on the isolated reefs of the Keppel Islands
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15 September: The secret to becoming an ocean giant
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10 September: Postdoctoral award for former AIMS@JCU Student, Jean-Baptiste Raina
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08 September: Coral bleaching – How much does ocean acidification contribute?
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19 August: A fish's first "words"
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11 August: "A Vision in Blue" - Ten year plan for science, helping drive Australia’s growing blue economy
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03 August: Traditional topping out event marks milestone for new Indian Ocean marine research centre
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04 August: Paul G. Allen supports coral reef research to reverse rapid decline
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04 August: Paul G. Allen supports coral reef research to reverse rapid decline
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07 July: Sharks on film! Global shark and ray survey begins at 400 reefs
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07 July: Sharks on film! Global shark and ray survey begins at 400 reefs
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02 July: Estuaries to oceans - Science and sustainability conference
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26 June: Corals already have the genes to adapt to warmer oceans
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26 June: Corals already have the genes to adapt to warmer oceans
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21 May: Extreme flooding more frequent on the Great Barrier Reef: Evidence from coral core luminescence
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30 April: Expedition to Ningaloo - Tiger shark studies aid conservation and human safety
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17 April: Kimberley exploration - Scientific voyage to the deep sea
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“Voyage of discovery” yields hotspot of diversity and new species
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09 April: Roadmap to recovery for the world's reef fishes…where the magic number for fish is - one tonne
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09 April: Roadmap to recovery for the world's reef fishes…where the magic number for fish is - one tonne
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09 April: Roadmap to recovery for the world's reef fishes…where the magic number for fish is - one tonne
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06 April: A window into the future reveals a grim reality for crustose coralline algae
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27 March: Twice the coral trout in Great Barrier Reef protected zones
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27 March: Twice the coral trout in Great Barrier Reef protected zones
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25 March: Independent report brings together knowledge on dredging and disposal
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25 March: The state of knowledge of dredging and disposal in the Great Barrier Reef
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25 March: Independent report brings together knowledge on dredging and disposal
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13 February: Unveiling the secrets of long-distance migration of tiger sharks
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13 February: Unveiling the secrets of long-distance migration of tiger sharks
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12 February: Crown of Thorns thriving as ocean temperatures rise
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12 February: Crown of Thorns thriving as ocean temperatures rise
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03 February: Assisted Evolution - Giving some hope for coral reef survival
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03 February: Assisted Evolution - Giving some hope for coral reef survival
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Coral chemicals protect against warming oceans
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The Triton that ate the Crown-of-Thorns
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03 December: Do pufferfish hold their breath while inflated?
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02 December: New AIMS dive boat set for spawning season
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20 November: New ocean observing tower erected at Myrmidon Reef, Great Barrier Reef
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17 November: How techniques for analysing smart phone data will help marine species
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31 October: Spawning preparation underway in SeaSim
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28 October: Sponges will thrive as many corals decline from ocean acidification
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9 October: Inshore reefs of the GBR especially vulnerable to ocean acidification
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9 October: Inshore reefs of the GBR especially vulnerable to ocean acidification
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Estimating the diversity of life
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24 September: Memorandum of Understanding for licensing of AIMS Bioresources Library to Griffith University
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11 Sep: Sharks more abundant on healthy coral reefs
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10 September: Postdoctoral award for former AIMS@JCU Student, Jean-Baptiste Raina
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6 Sep: A lifeline of resilience for coral reefs
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Threatened Species Day 2014
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8 August: Young marine scientists showcase their work in Townsville
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30 July: SeaSim technician awarded QTA North Queensland 'Apprentice of the Year'
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28 July: Global study shows that healthy rivers help create healthy reefs
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17 July: New study links dredging to diseased corals
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Sharks increase reef resilience
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Indigenous students learn about a marine science future
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27 May: Abundance as important as rarity for biodiversity
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Ocean Acidification robs reef fish of their fear of predators
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Ocean Acidification robs reef fish of their fear of predators
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Ocean prize for 'assisted' coral evolution
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Early victims of ocean acidification could go extinct this century
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1 April: Corals don't lie: centuries of rising sea levels and temperature data revealed
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AIMS and partners win smart IT award for unifying scientific monitoring with images
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17 Feb 2014: AIMS partners with Shell and INPEX to help protect against oil spills
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'Hidden' and new species of coral identified by AIMS scientists
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Drug potential from Great Barrier Reef sea sponges ready for commercial development
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23 November 2011- Scientific sleuths pinpoint the guilty coral killers
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10 November 2011 - MoU between AIMS and NOAA promises further research collaboration
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9 November 2011 - Increased acidity not an even test for coral reefs
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27 September 2011 - World-first discovery can 'help save coral reefs'
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24 August 2011 - How many species
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29 June 2011 - Darwin Harbour early focus for North Australian marine research
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30 May 2011 - CO2 seeps in PNG
30 May 2011 - CO2 seeps in PNG
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5 May 2011- Taiwan Visit
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2 May 2011 - 'Million-Dollar Reef Sharks' an Economic Driver for Palau..
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6 April 2011 - Young marine science students to showcase their work
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30 March 2011- Lobster Super Mum delivers
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15 February 2011 - Deep-sea Lanternfish
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9 February 2011- climate becoming more extreme
9 February 2011- climate becoming more extreme
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17 January 2011 - Ocean scientists to investigate humpback whales
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AIMS scientists successfully recover record-breaking coral sea traveller
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Scientists confirm key fish nursery at Ningaloo
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Reef life a winner in ARC Fellowships
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Search begins for new AIMS CEO
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Lost beach buoy discovered in North Queensland
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Scientists Assessing the Perfect Aquarium Rock Lobsters
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Largest study of water quality effects on Great Barrier Reef
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North Queenslanders asked to help name new oceans facility
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Carbon emissions threaten fish
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Australia and Taiwan collaborate
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Climate change research on coral reefs
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Investigation of ship grounding site
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Pprotection boosts Australia's Great Barrier Reef
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sponges- WA waters teeming with biodiversity
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AIMS CEO reappointment
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AIMS researcher wins prestigious national award
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$48 billion marine industries worth more than agriculture
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Massive corals help unlock climate change secrets in Western Australia
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Shark mothers provide critical life support for newborn pups
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Shark mothers provide critical life support for newborn pups
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AIMS nails top national health and safety award
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Minister Garrett announces multimillion - dollar boost to CReefs
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Research reveals cyclone's ravages on the Reef
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Seven wonders listing a natural for the GBR
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$55M Boost to tropical marine science
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Coral reefs, seaweed
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Search for female whale sharks
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New leader for AIMS WA
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Tropical marine science gets $55 million budget boost
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CReefs marine science project inspiring BHP Billiton staff
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Baby fish shaped by mothers' stress
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Research shows herbicides a concern to Reef
Tropical sponges
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Reef shark movements at Ningaloo Reef
Support builds for automated reef watch
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UWA and AIMS provide $2 million boost for WA marine science
Reef shark movements at Ningaloo Reef
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Setting direction for $38B marine industry
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Marine pollution expert heads AIMS in Darwin
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Coral disease found to have similar MO to cholera
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Stars of the sea falling to human-induced perils
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New program monitors climate change on Ningaloo coral and fish
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Hard core data shows 14 per cent drop in coral growth on GBR since 1990
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Broad-ranging book shows how coral bleaching is shaping the future of coral reefs
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AIMS Index values marine industries at $38 billion and rising fast
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Scientists Report Major Steps towards 1st Census of Marine Life
Urgent action on international coral reef crisis
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New AIMS facility will help scientists show why life is a symbiosis
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Fishy future written in the genes
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Multiple threats to coral biodiversity lend urgency to scientific inventory of life on Australia's famous reefs
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Warmer seas likely to promote coral disease
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Sea sponges and their microbes hit the wall at 33 degrees
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Harnessing good bacteria to move rock lobster aquaculture forward
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Researchers look to microbes for clues to climate change and future energy
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Climate zones shift south as Australia's northern oceans warm
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World leading Australian research to save the Great Barrier Reef from climate change
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GBR protected from crown-of-thorns attacks by no-take zones
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Devastating coral disease may have bacterial cause
Protected fish stage a comeback
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Third wave of crown-of-thorns fading away
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AIMS chief heads up Census of Marine Life governing body
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Automated tool to aid decision making for sea cage aquaculture managers
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Digital Skin to cover Great Barrier Reef
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Unlucky reef shark leads researchers to better understanding
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Baseline environmental study of WA's Scott Reef
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First Australian CReefs expedition underway this week
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Corals in the Keppel Is region form new heat-beating partnerships
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Reef fish lose their way as environment turns hostile
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Media alert - Ocean Acidification workshop
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Slowed coral growth on the GBR
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New theory of corals' ability to adapt to climate change
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New Science Leader in Marine Microbiology announced at AIMS
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A new state of the art marine research vessel for Australia
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Farewell to the RV Lady Basten
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$3.4 million partnership to support reef research
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New genetic approaches unveil cryptic microbial algae in reef coral
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Distant reef fish populations respond to climate in synchrony
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Robotic revolution at Ningaloo: First major scientific mission for the Underwater Robot Sirius
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Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies Fight to survive heats up for reef fish
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Gentle Giant's Numbers in Decline
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Tropical Marine Science Boosted in the Commonwealth Budget
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Sharks tagged off the Northern Territory Coast
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Coral Disease Linked to Warming
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Floods muddy waters off the Great Barrier Reef
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Torres Strait Ready for Sponge Farm
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Science Panel Outlines Roadmap for Reducing Risks from Climate Change
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Arafura Timor Research Facility
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Corals get respite from Crown-of-thorns
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Pesticides compound climate risk to reef
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GBR a Hot Topic as the World Warms to Climate Change
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Australian-Indonesian project to improve aquaculture in coastal environments
Frontiers of Marine Science Stretched by Census Experts
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Shallow water corals killed by rainstorm
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Great Barrier Reef damaged by severe tropical cyclone Larry
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AIMS tightens belt due to rising cost of research
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New species records possible from French Frigate Shoals.
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Marine research vessel to be built
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Marine scientists
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Scientists and fishermen work together to maintain shark stocks
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State-of-the art airborne imaging completes first digital map of Ningaloo Marine Park
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Fish Surveys Demonstrate Benefit Of New Reef Zoning Plan
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New Guinea's remote reefs get Aussie health check
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Crown-of-thorns starfish alert
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Scientists warn of serious environmental harm in Asia Pacific
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Ningaloo Marine Parks
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Marine Sensor Network
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Fantasea Cruises' new Onboard Radiometer will aid vital Climate Research
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Snapshot of life deep in the Great Barrier Reef
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The Keppels
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Scientists to study coral reefs worldwide: Marine Scientists Going Down for the Count