Neal Cantin at sea

Dr Neal Cantin

Research Scientist

Coral Ecophysiologist

Contact number
(07) 4753 4132
+61-7-4753 4132
Contact email

Coral, Climate Change, Marine Ecology, Coral Reef Ecology, Scientific Diving, Ecosystem Ecology, Underwater Photography

Senior Research Scientist, Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville AU
Postdoctoral Investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA
PhD James Cook University, Townsville AU
Grad Dip of Research Methods, James Cook University, Townsville AU
BSc(Hons)University of Guelph, Guelph ONT Canada

My research focuses on the combination of historical records of coral calcification from long-lived massive corals and experimental aquarium-based studies to better understand the response of coral physiology and calcification to past, present and future environmental stressors, particularly thermal stress and ocean acidification. I have spent the past three years observing and understanding the impacts of coral bleaching throughout the Great Barrier Reef.


Hughes TP et al (2017) Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals. Nature 543:373-377

Torda et al (2017) Rapid adaptive responses to climate change in corals. Nature Climate Change 7:627-636

van Oppen M, Gates R, Blackall L, Cantin N, et al (2017) Shifting paradigms in restoration of the world's coral reefs. Global Change Biology 23(9):3437-3448

Lough JM, Cantin NE, Benthuysen JA, Cooper TF (2016) Environmental drivers of growth in massive Porites corals over 16 degrees of latitude along Australia's northwest shelf. Limnology and Oceanography 61(2):684-700

Nash MC, Utichke S, Negri AP, Cantin NE (2015) Ocean acidification does not affect magnesium composition or dolomite formation in living crustose coralline algae, Porolithon onkodes in an experimental system. Biogeosciences 12:5247-5260

Lough JM, Lewis SE, Cantin NE (2015) Freshwater impacts in the central Great Barrier Reef: 1648-2011. Coral Reefs 34(3):739-751

Albright R, Benthuysen J, Cantin NE, Calderia K, Anthony K (2015) Coral reef metabolism and carbon chemistry dynamics of a coral reef flat, Geophysical Research Letters 42:3980-3988

Evenhuis C, Lenton A, Cantin NE, Lough JM (2015) Modelling coral calcification accounting for the impacts of coral bleaching and ocean acidification. Biogeosciences 12:2607-2630

Lough JM, Cantin NE (2014) Perspectives on massive coral growth rates in a changing ocean. Biological Bulletin 226:187-202

Cantin NE, Lough JM (2014) Surviving coral bleaching events: Porites growth anomalies on the Great Barrier Reef. PLoS ONE 9(2):e88720

Cantin NE, Cohen A, Karnauskas K, Tarrant A, McCorkle D (2010) Ocean warming slows coral growth in the central Red Sea. Science 329:322-325

Mieog JC, van Oppen MJH, Cantin N, Stam WT, Olsen JL (2007) Real-time PCR reveals a high incidence of Symbiodinium clade D at low levels in four scleractinian corals across the Great Barrier Reef: implications for symbiont shuffling. Coral Reefs 26:449-457

Cantin N, Negri AP, Willis BL (2007) Photoinhibition from chronic herbicide exposure reduces reproductive output of reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series 344: 81-93.

Cantin N, van Oppen MJH, Willis BL, Mieog JC, Negri AP (2009) Juvenile corals can acquire more carbon from high-performance algal symbionts. Coral Reefs 28:405-414